'Stacking The Shelves'

Saturday 24 May 2014

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga Reviews, every Saturday. It summaries the books that have been bought or received in the past week. This could include e-books, borrowed books, PDF copies or paper/hard back as well.
So here is this weeks list:-
I just love these two amazing new books that Becca from Pretty Little Memoirs got me.
I also got To Have And To Hold, Helen Chandler's new book for the lovely people at Hodder & Stoughton.
Now which one of these should I read first?
What book did you receive this week that you are looking forward to reading?
You can like my facebook page.Talk to me on twitter @23reviewstreet or on the comment section on my blog, even if it is just to say hi, I'd love to hear from you.
Another day, another book,
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  1. I keep looking at Biggest Flirts on Amazon, the cover is so cute! Happy reading. :)

    Check out my STS! http://wendimlee.blogspot.com

  2. these are lovely books, I also want to read Biggest Flirts ;)

    Here's my first STS ever :


  3. Biggest Flirts looks like a lot of fun! I vote for that one. x)
    My StS!

  4. Nice haul! I hope you enjoy your new books! The Book of Brokenhearts sounds interesting.

    Come and check out OUT's STS

    And dont forget to enter the giveaway!

    Leydy from OUAT & RCE

  5. Great books. The book of broken hearts sounds really good enjoy


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