Five years ago, Rosa walked to the end of the pier in the dead of night. She looked into the swirling water, and jumped. She was a brilliant young Cambridge student who had just lost her father. Her death was tragic, but not unexpected.Was that what really happened? The coroner says it was. But Rosa’s boyfriend Jar can’t let go. He sees Rosa everywhere – a face on the train; a figure on the cliff. He is obsessed with proving that she is still alive. And then he gets an email. Find me, Jar. Find me, before they do…Is Rosa really dead? And, if she is, who is playing games with the ones she left behind?
Review Street
with J. S. Monroe
Hi J. S. Monroe, thank you for being on my blog I am
thrilled to be asking you questions about your book and books in general! I
have read ‘Find Me’ and I can truly say it is one of the best books I have ever
Find Me is one of those books that keeps you guessing throughout,
did you know how it would end or were you just as surprised by the ending?
I’m delighted you enjoyed Find Me and thank you for inviting me to be on your blog. After
writing about a third of the book, I realised that I was heading for an
espionage resolution to the question of Rosa’s disappearance. I’d previously
written five spy novels (under my own name, Jon Stock) and was confident that
my spy theory would more than explain why and how Rosa had disappeared five
years earlier in Cromer. Then I had lunch with my agent, Will Francis at
Janklow & Nesbit, and he nodded politely over the soup to my summary of how
the story would end. He liked it a lot, he said, but had I considered throwing in
alternative possible reason for her disappearance – something to do with her
past and her own character? In other words, steering Find Me into psychological thriller territory and away from the spy
landscape that I was familiar with. I knew at once that he was right – I also
knew that it would be a lot harder to do. But I was so excited by the
challenge, more so than I’ve ever been about anything that I’ve written.
As I began to develop this second possible explanation for
Rosa’s disappearance, I realised I didn’t want to let go of the first,
espionage theory. Far from it. And so I developed both theories in tandem, aiming
to make them equally credible (which did my head in, believe me!). Throw in
some unreliable narration and you have the makings of a complex story. I hope
that the reader doesn’t know which narrative to believe until the very last
chapter – and even then there should be an element of doubt as the narrative gives
one final flick of the tale…
If Find Me was made into a television show
or movie, who could you imagine playing the characters and why?
We’ve already had a lot of film interest from America and in
particular and a British writer who works on scripts with a fellow American
scribe. The British guy could really relate to Find Me, for various personal reasons. Interestingly, he wants to
switch round the sexes, making Jar a woman and Rosa a man, so it would be a
woman looking for her apparently dead boyfriend. I was a little surprised when
I first heard this, but there’s actually quite a lot sense in it. For one
thing, there are, apparently, a lot more gifted young female leads right now in
Hollywood than men.
I’ve had a long, exciting ride with Warner Bros after they
optioned my 2009 thriller, Dead Spy
Running, but I’ve also learnt not to get too excited until a film is
actually greenlit in Hollywood. Warner Bros commissioned a number of different
scripts, including one by Oscar winner Stephen Gaghan, and the project is
currently with McG, the director of Terminator IV and Charlie’s Angels. The
bottom line is that, almost eight years later, the film is still in
development, but the latest word from McG is that he wants to turn it into a
ten-part series for US TV, which would be great.
So, thinking of who might play the lead characters in a film
of Find Me is a dangerous, premature
game, but if pushed, and assuming the characters stay the same sex as they are
in the book, how about Domhnall Gleeson for Jar and Kaya Scodelario for Rosa?
What inspires you to
write and why?
Different things inspire me. The original inspiration for Find Me lies in the opening scene. Jar
is on his way to work in London, taking the escalator down into Paddington
station. Suddenly, he sees Rosa, his girlfriend from university, passing him on
the up escalator. Except that she died five years ago and I knew Find Me wasn’t a ghost story. A former
girlfriend of mine days died a few years after we went out together at
Cambridge University. Later, I thought I saw her on a station platform. I knew,
of course, that it wasn’t her, but it set me thinking. What if?
In terms of reading,
do you normally go for books of the same genre that you write or other genres
When I’m writing a thriller, I tend to steer clear of other
thrillers and read from completely different genres. I recently read and hugely
enjoyed A Girl is a Half Formed Thing,
by Eimear McBride (an extraordinarily original voice), and Life After Life, by Kate Atkinson, who does all sorts of clever
things with the narrative. Psychological thrillers I’ve enjoyed include The Girl on The Train and, of course, Gone Girl. And I really liked Clare
Macintosh’s I Let You Go.
What would your
writing day look like?
I aim to write 1,000 new words a day. I begin by editing the
previous day’s efforts and usually delete up to a quarter of what I’ve written.
Early mornings are great if I’m on a roll. I have three teenage children so the
house is quiet before breakfast. In winter, I load up the wood-burning stove,
put on Radio 3 and write from 5am to 7am, before making the porridge for
everyone’s breakfast. In the summer, I’ll do the same if it’s warm enough, but
sit outside and write, under the apple tree. The worst time of day for me is
just after lunch, when I’m feeling very sleepy. I really should just be honest
with myself and give in to a half hour siesta. Sometimes I do, but I’ve yet to
avoid the guilt.
If you could describe
your writing style in three words, what would they be?
Pace, poise, rounded.
Thank you so much for
being on 23 Review Street, I can’t wait to read what you write next!
Thank you – it’s been
a real pleasure.
Another day, another book,
Another day, another book,
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