Review of The Vets At Hope Green - Part One by Sheila Norton

Monday 24 April 2017

The Vets At Hope Green - Part One
By Sheila Norton
Publication Date: 19th January 2017
Publisher: Ebury Digital 
Pages: 90
Genre: Romance, Contemporary, Fiction
Format: eBook
Source: Netgalley

Amazon UK / Amazon US

Working as a receptionist in a London vets, Sam is living far from her idea of a simple life. She’s always broke, rents a tiny flat, and is constantly arguing with her boyfriend. But the worst part is that her career is going nowhere. She wants to be a vet, but the most contact time with the animals she has is a quick hello when she books in their next appointment.
Something’s got to give, so when her parents suggest visiting her Nana Peggy in a small quiet picturesque village, she agrees, thinking a bit of R&R could do her good.
But rest and relaxation may not be the order of the day. Poor Nana Peggy’s lovely dog Rufus is unwell, and Sam can’t help but grow fond of him. With the help of Joe the local vet, a charming yet strangely distant man, Sam sets out on looking after him, despite her London life trying to call her back…
My Review
Sam's life hasn't been going to plan, with her career at a standstill and her life in London not cracked up to what she thought it would be, Sam is unsure of what to do with her life now. Wanting to get away for the big city of London, Sam decides to go and visit her Nana Peggy. 
Being the country gives Sam time to think about what she wants, although the more time she spends in Hope Green the more she feels at home. Her small run in with the gorgeous village vet, makes Sam think about her love life and is her boyfriend the person she can picture a future with. 
Life at Hope Green is one of complete peace but Sam isn't sure she could pick up her whole life and make a big move, but then again sometimes life works in mysterious ways making the choice for you instead. 
I loved Nana Peggy, she is such a sweet and likeable character. The way she is with her animals and her with Sam, she is willing to do anything for them and enjoys having someone there to keep her company. I also loved Sam, her character is one which many people will be able to relate to. Having a career which she doesn't like, living in a city which always seems to be moving at a fast pace that she can keep up with. Not to mention a boyfriend who is the complete opposite to the person she fell in love with. 
The first installment of the book is a great book, it has everything I want in a story. Charming men, a small village which will make you wish you lived there and animals which are so cute, you will want them for yourself. 
Three Words
Hopeful, Captivating and Cute. 
My Rating

Another day, another book, 
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