Blog Tour - One Day In December by Shari Low

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Publication Date:
Publisher: Aria Fiction
Pages: 296
Genre: Romance, Contemporary, Fiction
Format: eBook
Source: Netgalley

By the stroke of midnight, a heart would be broken, a cruel truth revealed, a devastating secret shared, and a love betrayed. Four lives would be changed forever, One Day in December. One morning in December... Caro set off on a quest to find out if her relationship with her father had been based on a lifetime of lies. Lila decided today would be the day that she told her lover's wife of their secret affair. Cammy was on the way to pick up the ring for the surprise proposal to the woman he loved. And Bernadette vowed that this was the day she would walk away from her controlling husband of 30 years and never look back. One day, four lives on a collision course with destiny...

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Shari’s previous books are out now!

My Review
I am a big fan of Shari Low's writing and find her stories come to life in front of my eyes, everytime I read one.  
One Day In December tells the story of four different people, each about to experience a event that will change their lives completely. As soon as I started reading this book, I was completely enthralled in the character's stories and how they progress as people during the book. 
Caro, Lila, Cammy and Bernadette are all very unique characters and I could definitely see their individuality in the book and how much Shari wanted to make sure each of their stories was told in a specific way.
 Caro has trust issues due to finding out that the truth she always thought she knew was a lie. A lie that runs deeper than she originally thought. Then there is Lila who has finally plucked up the courage to tell the wife of her boyfriend that she is having a affair with him although it doesn't go the way she planned it. Then again, nothing is easy when it comes to love and telling the truth. 
Cammy is completely different, planning to propose he is trying his best to perfect it, although destiny and life had other plans which didn't involve what he wanted. Bernadette has finally had enough and has decided that she wants to live a life she wants not the life of her husband but for her it is taking that first step to break free of the control in her life.
If I had to say which character I liked the most was Bernadette's, her story and life touched me the most. Her life is not her own anymore and she doesn't know the person she has become, due to the controlling behaviour of her husband. For her to gain the strength and courage to leave is the first step but it is the determination that comes with that she is going to need to get through what happens next. That is why I was touched by her amazing story that is positive in so many ways. I couldn't believe how much I got attached to the characters during the book. I felt that One Day In December was one of those books that made you feel just like the characters in that moment.
One Day In December is a wonderfully written story that will make you realise that sometimes things change in the instant that will change your life for good. With its touching characters and dreamy locations, I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a change in their life.  
Three Words
Unexpected, Secrets and Brilliant. 
My Rating

About the author
Shari lives in Glasgow and writes a weekly opinion column and Book Club page for a well-known newspaper. She is married to a very laid-back guy and has two athletic teenage sons, who think she’s fairly embarrassing, except when they need a lift.

Another day, another book, 

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