Review of A Christmas Kiss by Susan Hatler

Monday 25 September 2017

A Christmas Kiss
By Susan Hatler
Publication Date: 28th November 2016
Publisher: Hatco Publishing
Pages: 94
Genre: Romance, Contemporary, Fiction
Format: eBook
Source: Netgalley 

Amazon UK / Amazon US

Harper Avery is a jaded divorce attorney who loves helping her clients move on to better things. After all, they’ve struggled enough being in an unhappy marriage. When one client’s soon-to-be ex-husband suddenly says he wants a second chance with his wife, Harper’s dubious, certain that her client is just going to get hurt again. Despite his career as a divorce attorney, Gabriel Hart still believes that love can work miracles. Sure, there are no guarantees, but he totally supports his client’s efforts to reconcile with his wife—even if it means Gabriel has to go head-to-head with Harper to keep her from ruining the couple’s chances.
With the holidays approaching, husband and wife set out to see if they can work through their issues, while Harper decides to spend the long Christmas weekend at her friend’s cabin in Lake Tahoe. Only when she gets there, someone is already occupying her last-minute rental—Gabriel Hart. Both refuse to give up their holiday retreat. Will their adversarial working relationship make for a stressful weekend? Or will the magic of Christmas sprinkle them with a love that can beat the odds?
My Review
Harper Avery hasn't had much luck when it comes to relationships or men. Being a divorce attorney has made her see all the bad relationships and the events that lead to the ultimate breakdown of said-relationships. Taking on the case of a divorce before the Christmas season should be straight forward but that is until she comes face-to-face with the apposing attorney, Gabriel Hart. 
Straight from the start you can tell that Harper and Gabriel are never going to see eye-to-eye on their clients but they are willing to give them the time to see if they can make their marriage work one last time. In the meantime, Harper decides to get away from the city to a beautiful cabin in the middle of nowhere, although what she didn't expect was to meet Gabriel there, let alone share the cabin with him for the weekend. 
It isn't long before sparks start to fly but with them both being strong and determined characters in their own right, they could let the opportunity of love and a future slip through their hands. Then again, sometimes they need a push in the right direction and someone to take a chance on them for a change. 
A Christmas Kiss is a short yet sweet Christmas novel about second chances and the miscommunication that sometimes ends up to be the best thing that ever happened. With a beautiful cabin, electric chemistry and the season for magic to happen what could be more perfect!
Three Words
Magical, Hopeful and Festive. 
My Rating

Another day, another book, 

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