Review of Sunshine and Secrets - Willow Cottage #1 by Bella Osborne

Thursday 4 May 2017

Sunshine and Secrets - Willow Cottage #1
By Bella Osborne
Publication Date: 7th July 2016
Publisher: Avon
Pages: 99
Genre: Romance, Contemporary, Fiction
Format: eBook
Source: Netgalley 

Amazon UK / Amazon US 

Beth is running away. With her young son Leo to protect, Willow Cottage is the lifeline she so desperately needs. Overlooking the village green in a beautiful Cotswolds idyll, Beth sees a warm, caring home for little Leo. When she finally uncovers the cottage from underneath the boughs of a weeping willow tree, Beth realises this is far more of a project than she bargained for and the locals are more than a little eccentric! A chance encounter with gruff Jack, who appears to be the only male in the village under thirty, leaves the two of them at odds but it’s not long before Beth realises that Jack has hidden talents that could help her repair more than just Willow Cottage. Over the course of four seasons, Beth realises that broken hearts can be mended, and sometimes love can be right under your nose…
My Review 
Willow Cottage is a needing a bit of a makeover, so when Beth decides to buy the Willow Cottage she is in for a bit of a shock at how much work is needed to turn this small cottage into the home her and her son need. Beth's life in London has come to a sudden end, so coming to a small village in the middle of nowhere is a big change for her, having gotten use to the busy life of London. 
Jack has lived in the small village for quite a while and it has become his home, so having a new person arrive is surprising and throws him completely off. I couldn't tell if Jack likes Beth as he gets easily frustrated with her throughout the book and then there is Beth who doesn't want another relationship, with her long-term relationship taking a sour turn which was her driving force in making a location change. 
With how much work needs to be done on Willow Cottage, Beth needs all the help she can get which in this case is Jack. Throw in a crazy old man who is keeps appearing under the tree in her garden and not to mention the cost of how much Willow Cottage will cost to fix up properly. The issues at Willow Cottage is only just starting.
The book is told from two different locations, with Beth in the Cotwolds and with Carly in London. Carly is having her own relationship problems, expecting and wanting her boyfriend to propose to her is driving her crazy. So when he plans a nice weekend away from the two of them, Carly expect that this will be the perfect time for a proposal but things never do run smoothly.
Whenever there is animals in the book they always become my favourite character, this book is no different. Doris who is Jack's dog has a quirky personality, one that made me laugh multiple times from reading the antics that she get up to when she is staying at Beth's house.
Sunshine and Secrets is a brilliant first part to this lovely new series, with its dream like house that I would love to live in and the characters which have so much depth and emotion. I can't wait to read Christmas Cheer to find out what happens next. 
Three Words
Brilliant, Charming and Moving. 
My Ratings
Another day, another book, 
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