Review of How To Stuff Up Christmas by Rosie Blake

Friday 5 May 2017

How To Stuff Up Christmas
By Rosie Blake
Publication Date: 5th November 2015
Publisher: Corvus
Pages: 324
Genre: Romance, Fiction, Drama
Format: Paperback
Source: Publisher

Amazon UK / Amazon US

'Tis the season to be jolly. Unless you've found an intimate picture of another woman on your fiance's phone... Eve is heartbroken after discovering her fiance is cheating on her. Being surrounded by the joys of Christmas is more than Eve can bear, so she chooses to avoid the festivities by spending Christmas alone on a houseboat in Pangbourne. Eve gets an unexpected seasonal surprise when handsome local vet Greg comes to her rescue one day, and continues to visit Eve's boat on a mission to transform her from Kitchen Disaster Zone to Culinary Queen. But where does Greg keep disappearing to? What does Eve's best friend Daisy know that she isn't telling? And why is there an angry goose stalking Eve's boat? 
My Review 
I am a big fan of Christmas books, even more so the ones that I read after Christmas as it makes me feel the joy and happiness that Christmas always brings. Eve is so excited as this will be her first Christmas as an engaged couple but that is until she find out that the man she planned to spend the rest of her life with has cheated on her, quite a few times right under her nose. 
So when Eve decide that she will be getting away for Christmas this year, she knows that it will throw up problems everywhere, especially with her family.  Taking her dog and escaping to a small town where no one knows her problems seems like the best idea but it also means that she will have to go back to her life sometime. 
Being a vet was never what Greg originally had planned but sometimes life throws you into a situation then you just have to roll with it. Greg isn't looking for new relationship, what with his mother and her health, he hardly has any time for a personal life. When he saves Eve from the swan which seemed to be taking up residence on the front of her house boat, he is captivated by the women who needed his help. It doesn't take long before, Greg is teaching her how to make some easy dishes making her turn into a new woman able to cook a meal and not someone who needs to be looked after. 
Although whilst being away from her normal life, Eve is starting to forget about the troubles and issues back home. But as her time in this small piece of happiness is coming to an end, Eve isn't sure what she wants or who she wants in it. Then again, sometimes it is a time for Christmas miracles as they are the best surprise yet. 
I loved Marmite, he is one of the sweetest and funniest dog's I have read about. Throw in a crazy swan that seems to want to get the best of him, it is one of the craziest books I have ever read in that sense. I loved the recipes that were included in the book, it gave the book a little extra to the already brilliant story. 
How To Stuff Up Christmas is an amazing novel which is perfect to read at anytime of the year, preferably Christmas! With its joy, happiness and festive theme it is a perfect wonderland novel. 
Three Words
Joyful, Humorous and Memoriable. 
My Rating
Another day, another book, 
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